
Early Detection Saves Lives

At Oklahoma Prostate Imaging, we believe in the power of early detection in managing and treating prostate cancer. Our advanced PSMA PET/CT Imaging technology is at the forefront of identifying prostate abnormalities at their earliest stages, offering men a better chance at a successful outcome.

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Who Should Get Screened?

Men Over 50: Annual screenings recommended.

Men Over 45 with Risk Factors: Start screenings earlier if you have a family history of prostate cancer or are African American.

High-Risk Men: Those with multiple family members affected by prostate cancer should consult with their healthcare provider about starting screenings even earlier.

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Our Screening Technology

Our state-of-the-art PSMA PET/CT scanner provides unparalleled detail and accuracy, allowing for the detection of prostate cancer before it spreads. This technology ensures that if treatment is necessary, it can be as targeted and effective as possible.

What to Expect

  • Scheduling Your Appointment:

    Easy and convenient scheduling to accommodate your busy life.

  • Before Your Screening:

    You'll receive instructions on how to prepare for your screening.

  • During Your Screening:

    Our expert team will guide you through the process, prioritizing your comfort and privacy.

  • After Your Screening:

    Quick and reliable results with thorough explanations and next steps, if necessary.

Don't wait to take control of your prostate health.

Contact Oklahoma Prostate Imaging today to schedule your prostate screening and take the first step toward proactive health management.